Tuesday 12 February 2013

Learning to Speak Devon Rex

As I'd bottle-fed him and raised him from a baby I knew my "regular" cat Pushka pretty well. Like any good mum I could easily differentiate between his angry miaow, his upset miaow, his "where are you mum" miaow (this also doubled as his "where's my dinner" miaow). He also had the cutest little squeak for when I woke him up by stroking him.
Blue my Black Smoke Devon Rex at 5 months

Devon Rexes speak a whole different language though. They do have miaows but also chirrups, chatters, squeaks and... something I can't really explain but it sounds kind of like a chirrup with a stutter. Just over two weeks in and I'm still struggling to work out what they all mean.

They're not particularly vocal cats but seem to enjoy talking a lot more than Pushka ever did. He only ever talked to me if he had something urgent to tell me. My Rex twins seem to just talk for the pleasure of it.

Maybe it's because they are twins and always together, and because I'm pretty much always at home but it seems like the second one of my boys finds himself in a room alone, he starts chatting. I'm not sure yet if it's a "where are you", an "I'm bored" or just a "look at me" but I'm sure I'll get there. So far I just call back "I know" or "Tell me what's gone wrong in your life" and that seems to work... I'm invariably rewarded by a cat landing in my lap within seconds every time.

There's also the tail wagging thing... anyone used to "regular cats" knows that a wagging tail means you had better back off sharpish if you don't want a set of fangs sinking into your wrist or ankle. Devon Rexes, like dogs, wag their tails when they're happy which is insanely cute once you're used to it but can lead to a few errors in translation at the beginning. I love the sight of those super-long, elegant tails wafting back and forth every time I talk to my boys.

The difference between "catese" and "Devon Rexese" is like learning to speak fluent French and then finding yourself in a room full of Japanese people with someone asking you to translate. Yet another cute quirk of the breed that I just wasn't expecting...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Devon Rexes speak a whole different language though. They do have miaows but also chirrups, chatters, squeaksThere's also the tail wagging thing... anyone used to "regular cats" knows that a wagging tail means you had better back off sharpishFrench and then finding yourself in a room full of Japanese people with someone asking you to translate. I agree with your post. Thanks for sharing your post.



About Me

I'm not a Devon Rex expert nor am I a breeder. In fact, when I set up this blog (early Feb 2013) I'd had Devon Rexes for just 9 days. I'm just blogging about my life with my Devons and writing the kind of blog I wish I'd had access to when I was researching the breed. I hope you find it useful and/or entertaining. I'm already head over heels in love with the Devon Rex Breed and especially with my two beautiful boys, Blue and Bowie